Sadhotra hails observations of CJI on vision of Sher-e-Kashmir

JAMMU AUGUST 09 (KNS):  Former Minister and Senior National Conference leader Mr Ajay Kumar Sadhotra today in a statement recalled the great role of Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah in nation building and his vision of tying the destiny of Jammu and Kashmir with secular, socialist and democratic India during most testing times of history by rejecting theocratic Pakistan, which owes its existence to two nation theory.

Hailing the observations of Chief Justice of India Justice D Y Chandrachud about the vision of Sheikh Sahib’s vision reflected in his 1951 speech, Mr Sadhotra said this is an eye opener for all those myopic entities who undermine the political sagacity and farsightedness of one of the tallest leaders of the freedom struggle. He quoted the reference read out by the Chief Justice in the open court, quoting Sheikh Sahib saying, “The most powerful argument which can be advanced in Pakistan's favour is that Pakistan is a Muslim state and a big majority of our people being Muslim, the state must accede to Pakistan but this claim of being a Muslim state is only a camouflage- it's a screen to dupe the common man so that he cannot see clearly that Pakistan is a feudal state in which a clique is trying by these methods to maintain itself in power".

He said these observations about Pakistan are coming true after over seven decades now, In a statement, Mr Sadhotra said that some ignorant tend to underestimate role and vision of Sher-i-kashmir Sheikh Mohd Abdullah and his Party Jammu and Kashmir National Conference, which has withstood the test of times during the most difficult times in the past over seventy five years, especially during the horrendous tribal raid in Kashmir. Mr Sadhotra said the nationalist and secular credentials of Sheikh Sahib have inspired generations to work for strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and amity besides defending the integrity and sovereignty of the nation even at the peril of ones life.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe National Conference cadres are emulating the spirit and vision of Sher-e-Kashmir, the strong votary of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh Itehad, he added. Recalling the legacy of Sher-e-Kahmir, Mr Sadhotra dwelt on various facets of the life, political struggle, sacrifices and role of Baba-e-Quom in laying strong edifice of Jammu and Kashmir with focus on politico-economic empowerment and emancipation of all segments of the society, irrespective of caste, creed, culture and religion. “We are proud inheritors of this legacy”, he said and and referred to the landmark and pioneering Land Reforms Act, which empowered the farmers by making them masters of their own destiny overnight.

 The progressive outlook and vision of Sher-e-Kashmir transformed Jammu and Kashmir as a vibrant state where the people of all the faiths enjoyed equal opportunities of progress and development. His life has been a valiant story of selfless leadership as he fought for the political rights and dignity of his people till his last breath. “ He chose prison over power for his people and it is this sense of sacrifice and courage that needs to be instilled in our youths," he said. Mr Sadhotra said that Sheikh Sahib’s call for inclusiveness and secularism needs to be heard in every town and village of the country at a time when political forces are trying their best to divide people on the basis of region and religion. He said that the ultimate goal of the NCs founder was the political and economic empowerment of the common man and the equitable development of Jammu and Kashmir. His vision encompassed holistic and comprehensive development of all sections and regions without any discrimination," he said. Former Minister said Dr. Farooq Abdullah, President Jammu and Kashmir National Conference and Omar Abdullah, Vice President Jammu and Kashmir National Conference are taking forward programmes, policies and path shown by Sher-i-Kashmir Sheikh Mohd Abdullah for the betterment of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.(KNS)

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