Unexploded shells fired on other side of border risks lives of residents in Karnah

Zubair Ahmad
Srinagar, June 04, (KNS): Several unexploded shells fired on other side of border has risked lives of Karnah residents of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district.
According to Kashmir News Service (KNS), around half dozen of high explosive unexploded mortar shells lying in an agricultural field inside the Karnah village which has caused a threat to local populations of Dhani and Sadhpora Villages.
“Three months ago, several people were killed and dozens of shelters turned into ashes after Indo-Pak armies exchange heavy exchange of fire. During this course of action, some heavy mortar shells fired from other side of the border left unexploded and lying untouched in the courtyard of houses and adjoining agricultural field which is a great threat to the life and property in the area”, locals told KNS.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
Pertinently, in August 2019 a 40-year old Shabir Ahmad Pathan son of Abdul Qayoom got killed after an unexploded shell fired by other side of the border went off near Sadhna to when he was on way to makeshift house located on the top of hills.
Besides civil administration, locals appeal army to call on Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) to identify the unexploded shells which needs to be disposed off to avert any untoward incident in the area. (KNS) 

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