Successive NC, PDP governments worked against interests of J&K: Vakil

Mehbooba Mufti's assertions in Jammu shameful shouldn't forget PDP and NC's political blunders for the sake of power: Vakil

Mehbooba Mufti's assertions in Jammu shameful shouldn't forget PDP and NC's political blunders for the sake of power: Vakil

 Srinagar Feb 25:(KNS)  J&K Peoples Conference senior Vice President and former Minister Abdul Gani Vakil while rejecting Mehbooba Mufti's assertion that only PDP and NC can take Jammu out of the current political and economic crisis reminded her of the inglorious past alliances of these parties with the BJP. 

In a statement issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), Vakil while addressing a meeting of party workers at Srinagar said that the NC is the first party from J&K to ally with the BJP in lieu of making Omar Abdullah the junior foreign minister in the BJP government. "They compromised the interests of the people of J&K for their personal interests. They even expelled Prof Saif-ud-din Soz for voting against the BJP.", he said 
He further stated that the PDP's role was pivotal in helping the BJP to strengthen its base in Jammu & Kashmir and become part of the government for the first time in the history of J&K. "The people of Kashmir will never forgive the leadership of the PDP for trampling upon the interest of the people of Kashmir to satiate their lust for power", he added.
Vakil further maintained that history is a testament to the fact that both NC and PDP allowed continuous hollowing of Article 370 during their regimes.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel"Who is responsible for thousands of innocent killings in the last three decades? Who is responsible for slapping PSA's on our youth? In the last three decades, J&K has had either a NC or a PDP government. The two parties have taken turns in killing, maiming, jailing and humiliating Kashmiris. Their public utterances when in power were shameful. Now they have the audacity to project themselves as the victims where as in reality they have all along been the ones creating victims out of Kashmiris", he added.
Vakil said that the NC & PDP are eager to form an alliance in order to grab power- their only goal. "Mehbooba Mufti's statements make it clear that her only goal is to achieve power by allying with anybody to secure their personal interests. They can no longer mislead the people of J&K. There is a strong desire among the people for change of leadership and vision in J&K. The people are putting a lot of faith and in the leadership and vision of the Peoples Conference to emerge as the strongest voice for the people of Kashmir", Vakil added. (KNS) 

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