Srinagar Police arrests 05 gamblers

 Srinagar February 23:(KNS) Jammu Kashmir Police on Wednesday claimed have arrested five gamblers in Srinagar area. 

According to a statement issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), Today on a specific information police team of Police Station Shaheed Gunj lead by SHO Police Station under the supervision of SDPO Shaheed Gunj raided a gaming site at Habakadal Chowk near Habakadal Bridge and apprehended five (05) gamblers.
From the site Stake money *Rs 1,04,000* was seized on the spot, and all the gamblers arrested.
Details of the apprehended persons is as, Farooq Ahmad Goojri s/o Gh Qaudir r/o Reshi Mohalla Habakadal, Reyaz Ahmad khan S/o Gh Rasool khan R/o Habakadal, Srinagar, Waseem Ahmad Rah S/o Mohd Yousuf Rah, R/o Reshi Mohalla Habakadal, Bashir Ahmad Mir S/o Gh Rasool Mir R/o Habakadal,Srinagar, Tanveer Ahmad Bhat S/o Ab Rehman Bhat R/o Zaindar Mohalla Haba Kadal Srinagar.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
In this connection case FIR No. 13/2022 U/S 13 Gambling Act was registered in Police Station Shaheed Gunj and investigation taken up.
This is continuation to efforts of Srinagar Police so to curb the social crimes and immoral activities.(KNS) 

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