Secretary H&ME inspects GMC Baramulla

Asks offices for ensuring efficient healthcare services, quality Medical Education

Asks offices for ensuring efficient healthcare services, quality Medical Education

BARAMULLA, SEPTEMBER 30 (KNS) : Secretary, Health and Medical Education (H&ME), Bhupinder Kumar, accompanied by senior functionaries today paid a visit to Baramulla to assess functioning of Government Medical College of the district.

The visit was also aimed at to get first hand appraisal of status of construction works currently undergoing in the college.
Secretary undertook a detailed inspection of different blocks of the college wherein he was briefed about the current position of several works by the Principal of college, Dr Ruby Reshi. She gave a detailed account about the academic functioning besides presenting a brief sketch with regard to the health and patient care services.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
After conducting a holistic inspection, Bhupinder Kumar asked the concerned agencies to ramp up execution of construction works for timely completion. He stressed upon the concerned to mobilize all the available resources besides ensuring that all quality parameters are maintained at all levels.
Secretary further directed the concerned authorities to ensure that qualitative and efficient healthcare services are provided to the patients. He also emphasized to maintain the quality of medical education being imparted to the students pursuing medical and para-medical courses.(KNS) 

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