Scores of political workers join PC in multiple joining ceremonies

 _"People's trust fuels our pursuit of good governance: Sajad Lone"_

Srinagar, February 29(KNS): Peoples Conference President Sajad Gani Lone chaired a series of joining ceremonies on Thursday, witnessing an impressive influx of hundreds of new members belonging to different political thoughts from Gund Lilam (Ramhal), Chayalpati Drugmulla and Hafrada areas of Handwara constituency.
Addressing the newly joined members, PC President expressed optimism about the widespread acceptance of the party's vision among the people who have long yearned for a positive change in the political landscape of J&K.
"The continuous joining of new members, as witnessed today, serves as a powerful testament to Peoples Conference winning hearts of the people.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThis only fuels our determination to tirelessly strive for the upliftment of all sections of society who have pinned their hopes on our leadership," he remarked.
Elaborating further, Mr. Lone mentioned that people now wish to move forward and build a brighter future for their families.
"The residents of J&K anticipate a governance framework that not only offers them dignified existence but also addresses their daily challenges. Peoples Conference is devoted to meeting these expectations through a robust roadmap focused on uplifting the common man," he emphasized.
The new entrants praised the PC President and pledged to further strengthen the party by spreading its message at the grassroots level.(KNS)

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