Police arrests 03 drug peddlers in Kulgam; Contraband substances recovered

Kulgam March 04 (KNS): Continuing its unwavering efforts to eradicate the menace of drugs from the society, Police have arrested 03 drug peddlers in Kulgam and recovered contraband substances from their possession.  

A police party headed by SHO Police Station Qazigund at a checkpoint established near Walnut factory on NHW intercepted a vehicle (Santro) bearing Registration number JK20-4946 with 02 persons on-board. They have been identified as Avinash Gupta (driver) son of Narinder Gupta and Yashpal Kumar son of Shanker Das both the residents of Gaddi Udhampur. During search of the vehicle, officers were able to recover 6.5 Kgs of Poppy Straw like contraband substance. Both the accused were arrested and shifted to police station where they remain in custody. Vehicle used in the commission of crime has also been seized.

Similarly, a police party of Police Station Qazigund during patrolling at Village Berigam intercepted a suspicious person, who tried to flee from the spot after noticing police party, but was apprehended tactfully.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelDuring search, officers were able to recover 80 grams of charas like contraband substance from his possession. He has been identified as Mohd Yousuf Sar son of Ghulam Mohd Dar a resident of Berigam. He has been arrested and shifted to police station where he remains in custody.

Accordingly, cases under relevant sections of law stands registered in Police Station Qazigund and investigations have been initiated.

General public is requested to come forward or Dial 112 with any information regarding drug peddling/anti-social activity in their vicinity and extend their cooperation to Police in eradicating the drug menace from the society.(KNS)

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