PC activists from Bandipora quits, joined Apni Party

 Bandipora November 26 (KNS):  Scores of prominent political activists of JKPC hailing from Watpora Bandipora, joined the JKAP here on Saturday, with its Jammu and Kashmir Vice President Usman Majid exuding confidence of forming the next government in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

Among those who joined hands with the JKAP include prominent & stunch political activists Ab Ahad Malla, Haji Sonaullah, Ex Sarpanch Mohd Subhan Bhat, Mohd Ismaiel Mallah, Mohd Yousuf Sheikh, Bashir Ahmad Hajam, Mohd Ismail Rather, Gh Ahmad Hajam, Nazir Ahmad Khan, Rt. police officer Gh Mohd Wani, Mohd Sultan Ganie, Shahnawaz Ahmad Mallah ,Mohd Akbar Sofi and many others.

Usman Majid welcomed the new entrants into the party fold in presence of DDC Bonkoot Ah Gani Wani, Ex MCB President Khursheed Ahmad Ganaie, Youth President Wasif Mir, Block President Bandipora Mohd Maqbool Mir, Block President Arin Mushtaq Ahmed Khan and Senior party activists Ah Ahad Lone & Bilal Ahmad.

In his speech, Majid hoped that their joining would strengthen the party in Bandipora and expressed gratitude towards the people who have expressed their faith him and the party 

He said that the people have accepted the politics of development and rejected the politics of deception.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelSpeaking on the occasion Majid assured them to come up to their expectations and continue to struggle for the development of Bandipora . He said that the doors of the party were always open for those who believe in the program and policies of the Apni Party and have faith in its leadership. Majid said that, I welcome the decision of scores of JKPC workers to join Apni Party. It is a right decision at the right time, This would help the people of Bandipora in all spheres of development. Jammu Kashmir Apni Party will give due honour to each worker, he said.

Majid said that joining of such a large number of activits is a clear indication that people cannot be befooled any more by the deceitful tactics. He said that Apni party is determined to change destiny of the people of J&K.

Meanwhile, he said that the people of of UT have suffered in absence of an elected Government and there is dire need to hold assembly elections in J&K as early as possible.(KNS) 

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