Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Umer Jan flags Warning Signs, Strategies for Combating Drug Abuse in Kashmir

Advocates for heightened parental vigilance, healthcare support to tackle substance dependency

Advocates for heightened parental vigilance, healthcare support to tackle substance dependency

 Srinagar, Aug 14(KNS): Doctor Umer Jan, MD, a Neuropsychiatrist posted in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district hospital, has underscored that noteworthy shifts in attitude, heightened lethargy, bouts of depression, escalated aggression, substantial alterations in habits, and engagement in criminal activities serve as significant indicators of potential drug abuse. 

Dr. Jan advocates for heightened parental vigilance, the provision of extra care, and seeking the assistance of a qualified healthcare provider, all of which are instrumental in facilitating the process of overcoming substance dependency.
Regarding strategies for mitigating drug abuse, he highlighted the escalating prevalence of substance misuse in Kashmir. Among the substances, charas remains distressingly common and continues to dominate the landscape of drug abuse, primarily among addicts. However, a new concern has arisen in the form of the widespread use of the highly potent and perilous synthetic opioid, Horine. This new development poses a grave and far-reaching threat, amplifying the urgency of addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by drug abuse.
 He further elaborated on the distinct categories of drug users prevalent in the region. The first category involves individuals who are drawn towards charas, while the second is alarmingly concerning due to the use of the highly perilous Horine, posing a substantial threat to life, he said.
"A third group has emerged, characterized by the misuse of prescription sleeping pills, readily accessible at medical establishments.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelIdentifying and addressing these patterns poses a formidable challenge, both for parents and society at large," he added 
Dr. Umer Jan emphasized that numerous concerned parents have approached him, fervently asserting their children's innocence and non-involvement in any drug-related activities. Unfortunately, in many cases, this assertion stems from a lack of awareness and understanding, underscoring the pressing need for increased education and vigilance.
"If a drug user refrains from drug consumption for several days, a noticeable shift in behavior becomes evident. They often experience heightened irritability and resentment towards their family members. Paranoia sets in, leading them to believe that foreign substances have been introduced into their food. Sleep disruptions become prevalent, further exacerbating their demeanor. These symptoms manifest once the individual begins the process of quitting," he explained.
Speaking specifically about Horine, Dr. Umer Jan highlighted the withdrawal effects associated with its cessation. Users grappling with the decision to quit Horine may encounter discomfort, characterized by teary eyes, assorted allergies, and even changes in urinary patterns. 
Dr. Jan underlined the significance of parental vigilance in identifying these telltale signs promptly and encouraged timely reporting to medical professionals. Such proactive measures are instrumental in facilitating a smoother journey towards recovery.(KNS).

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