Nasir expresses concern over persistent power crisis in Kashmir

Says lack of consistent electricity supply impacting businesses, education, healthcare

Says lack of consistent electricity supply impacting businesses, education, healthcare

Srinagar Mar 1 (KNS): The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Provincial President Nasir Aslam Wani Sogami on Friday expressed concern over the power crisis in J&K saying that the massive and recurrent power cuts across Kashmir are tormenting people.

“One of the worst power crises in Kashmir has left the residents upset with power outages of 8-10 hours per day across Kashmir,” said Nasir in a statement released from the party headquarters Nawa-e-Subha, Srinagar adding, “The situation runs contrary to the claims made by the incumbent administration about availability of 24×7 power supply in metered areas. Government takes crores of rupees in terms of tariff from the consumers but when it comes to providing round the clock power supply, it is abdicating responsibilities leaving the consumers high and dry.” 

“Most of the students are preparing for exams but the frequent power cuts during nights are hindering their studies.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe business community in different areas of the city and elsewhere is also suffering. Patients who are on life saving machines are finding it difficult to manage in wake of the recurrent power outages,” he said.

He added that the administration is not following a proper power curtailment schedule and ironically the department has also failed to give any reasonable explanation for ongoing power cuts.
“The long duration outages and unscheduled power cuts are causing immense frustration among citizens who have borne significant financial burden in terms of increased tariff without reaping the intended advantages. The lack of consistent electricity supply has led to significant losses in multiple sectors, impacting businesses, education, healthcare, and overall quality of life,” he further added.(KNS)

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