KU VC inaugurates NCW-sponsored seminar on domestic violence

Srinagar, Feb 21 (KNS): Vice-Chancellor University of Kashmir Prof Nilofer Khan on Tuesday inaugurated a national seminar on domestic violence.

The day-long seminar was organised by Centre for Women’s Studies and Research (CWSR) in collaboration with Mission Shakti, Social Welfare Department, J&K. It was sponsored by the National Commission for Women (NCW).

In her presidential address, Prof Nilofer called for greater sensitisation and awareness at grassroots on the deleterious effects of domestic violence on society’s overall development and progression.

She said academic institutions can play a great role in eliminating the “scourge” of domestic violence from society and bring about a perceptible change in the “mindset of people”.

“We need to collectively work in this endeavor,” she said, thanking the NCW chief and Mission Shakti for sponsoring and collaborating with CWSR to hold the national seminar.

Prof Nilofer, the founder director of CWSR, said the University is fully determined to pursue the cause of gender equality and women’s empowerment, and create more spaces for women students and faculty to excel in academics and extracurricular activities.

“Recently our University hosted the C20 Working Group Meeting on Gender Equality and Disability, which has prepared its recommendations for the G20 summit.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelOur institution is now amongst 15 institutions in the country hosting the Youth20 event in May. Association with such mega events makes our resolve to contribute to nation-building even stronger,” she said, urging the CWSR to continue holding such collaborative programmes in future. 

Registrar Dr Nisar A Mir, who was a guest of honour, said over 60 percent of students admitted to the University’s PG programmes, and nearly half of research scholars, are women who enter the varsity by dint of their hard-work and merit. “85 percent of gold medals awarded at our last University Convocation went to women students and it is a great achievement for the institution to feel proud of,” he said.

Deputy Superintendent of Police, J&K Police Department, Ms Sleet Shah delivered the keynote address at the inaugural session, advocating that women’s empowerment isn't “a fight between men and women” but about ensuring “a rightful place for women in society in terms of decision-making, job opportunities, recreation and other domains.”

“Unless we all come together and realise the importance of gender parity, we won’t be able to reach anywhere,” she said.

Coordinator CWSR Dr Roshan Ara delivered the welcome address and highlighted the achievements of the Centre in academics, research and outreach activities.

Dr Shazia Malik delivered the vote of thanks.(KNS)

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