JKSA Stands with Kashmiri Nursing Students: Demands Accountability in Desh Bhagat University Admission Dispute

 Srinagar sept 8:(KNS)The Jammu and Kashmir Students Association (JKSA) here on Friday demanded justice for the Kashmiri students of the Faculty of Nursing at Desh Bhagat University (DBU), who find themselves embroiled in a distressing admission debacle. In a Statement North India President of Association Sheikh Azhar said that, The situation has escalated to a point where students have been protesting for several weeks, refusing to back down until their grievances are addressed.

The controversy centres around the Faculty of Nursing at DBU, which, according to Indian Nursing Council regulations, has an approved intake capacity ranging from 40 to 60 students. However, the university admitted a staggering 140 students, well beyond the approved limit. Even more concerning, these additional students were later transferred to Sardar Lal Singh College, a new nursing college that DBU established overnight and is situated within the old campus, without their consent or will.


When confronted by the affected students last year, university authorities assured them that the issue would be resolved. Unfortunately, despite these promises, the students’ predicament has worsened over time. They are currently in their third year of studies and have been informed by the DBU administration that they must cancel their admissions. This announcement has left the students with limited options and a bleak academic future.


Azhar said that “ JKSA demands justice for these students who have been unjustly caught in this predicament.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelIt is the responsibility of the university to address this issue urgently and find a fair and equitable solution that does not jeopardize the educational aspirations of these young nursing students.”


“A transparent and expeditious investigation is required to determine how DBU admitted more students than permitted by the Indian Nursing Council and to hold those responsible accountable.” he added.


He said, “We call upon Desh Bhagat University to take immediate action and rectify this situation. The affected students should not bear the consequences of the university’s errors,”.


“The JKSA urges the Indian Nursing Council to intervene and to ensure that these students’ registrations are upheld and that they can continue their nursing education without further hindrance.” "We call upon the relevant authorities to prioritize the resolution of this matter in the best interest of these young, aspiring nurses.” he added(KNS)

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