Hakeem Yaseen concerned over worsening power crisis in Kashmir

 Srinagar, Nov 14(KNS):  Chairman Peoples Democratic Front and former Minister Hakeem Muhammad Yaseen has voiced his concern over  the worsening power supply situation in Kashmir, adding that it is causing severe hardships and inconvenience to the common masses especially elderly persons,  students and unit holders.

Speaking to  deputations from Khansahib Budgam areas on Tuesday ,Hakeem Yaseen while voicing concern over the unprecedented power cricis in kashmir, has said that unscheduled load shedding for prolonged hours was  not only hampering economic activities but are also negatively impacting the lives of common people across the kashmir division .

He said despite the assurances made by the power department that an additional electricity supply would be purchased from the northern grid, Kashmir continues to grapple with unscheduled power cuts that has  creating chaos in the daily lives of the people.

PDF Chairman said that government has failed on all fronts to redress grievances of the common people who  continue to suffer even  for want of basic civic amenities.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel“Not to talk about the widespread unemployment and poverty that has overshadowed Kashmir, the people continue to suffer on all fronts , Hakeem Yaseen added. He said, it was for the first time that such a worsening power cricis is witnessed even before the onset of Autumn which speaks about the gravity of situation in coming winter months, He said common masses especially the elderly people,  students and the unit holders were the first casuality of this failure on the part of  government.

The visiting delegations complained about  erratic power supply in their areas saying that the situation was  turning grave with each passing day. They also complained about uncontrolled prices of essential commodities in the market adding that due to custommary market checking system ,  unscrupulous traders and profiteers were fleecing people at thier sweet will.

Hakeem Yaseen assured them that the issues raised by them would be promptly  raised with the higher authorities.(KNS).

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