Forest Department organises Environmental awareness programme in Larnoo, Anantnag

Anantnag May 26 (KNS):   An Environmental awareness programme was organised today at Guridraman,  Higher Secondary School Larnoo in Daksum Forest Range, Anantnag Forest Division. Shri Irfan Ali Shah, IFS Conservator of Forest South Circle was the chief guest for the occasion .DDC Chairperson and  Chairman Gujjar & Bakwerwal United Council Choudhary Haroon Khatana, Tribal community leaders , Panchayat Representatives, Sarpanchs, Social Activists, Environmental activists, police personnel Educationists, Students, media persons  and representative of various NGOs attended this mega Forest awareness event. 
Cultural and creative programmes were also presented by the students on the said occasion where students showcased their skills depicting different themes  of Environmental Protection, preservation and importance of Forest Protection. School teachers, Students and Forest Officers highlighted the importance of Forests and Forest resources and their conservation in their speeches. On the occasion,the DDC Chairperson Chowdhary Khatana appreciated the initiative of Forest department in Brang Constituency.
The Conservator of Forests, South Kashmir  Irfan Ali Shah, IFS in his address  informed that forest department has opened several Trek Routes in Larnoo and Daksum area . He impressed upon students to connect to forests and environment and develop a sense of belonging towards them. He laid stress on generating of local livelihoods  so that local people get benefitted and develop a new connect with the forests. . He informed that Department has opened up Forest Rest Houses for online booking and requested the school authorities to  visit these off beat  destinations so that better appreciation of  Forests and environment is there..He informed that Government is committed to redressal of greviances of  the local tribal community and  the rights of  bonafide beneficiaries shall be protected and all the concessions under the Forest Rights Act shall be given as per law .Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe Conservator of Forests also stressed on  carreer counselling  for the students so that they can compete at national level and excel in life..He applauded  the role played by the tribal community in dousing the recent Forest fires in South Kashmir. He in his address  also recognized the services of locals of Larnoo area who have supported the forest officials in various forest protection related activities
DFO Anantnag in his address laid stress on planting programs and Greening activities  with the active support of people and students of different educational institutes of Larnoo. He also requested the local community to help the Forest department in retrieving the encroached Forest land and talked about livelihood opportunities through forestry activities under different schemes operational in Anantnag District in Forest Sector.Divisional Forest Officer Anantnag said that Forest Department will be planting about 80000 plants in Larnoo and Bringi areas during the current financial year to bring more area under Forest cover in District Anantnag.  
On this occasion,Conservator of Forests, Kashmir South Circle and Divisional Forest Officer Anantnag presented cash awards to the marginalized members of ST Community who have been  playing vital role in protection of Forests and Environment.
Late afternoon Conservator of Forests alongwith DFO Anantnag also attended a Gujjar and Bakerwal Greviance redressal camp in remote Gadool Forests of Daksum Range.He assured the community leaders of early redressal of their bonafide demands and needs.The Local tribal leaders thanked the Forest Department for its deep  outreach to their community.(KNS)

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