Farooq Abdullah seeks easing of students concerns on allocation of CUET-UG examination centres

 Says undue decision has left students, especially those from impoverished backgrounds in a state of distress


Srinagar, 18 May(KNS): The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference President and Member of the Parliament from Srinagar Dr. Farooq Abdullah on Thursday sought easing of students concerns with regards to allocation of CUET-UG examination centres, saying exam centres should be allocated locally in only Jammu & Kashmir  as per the choices aspirants had selected during the form-filling process.

He said this while talking to the media on the side-lines of his condolence visit to Hassanabad, Rainawari. “The allocation of examination centres in other states has only added to their exam-related stress. Upon downloading their intimation slips, many students discovered that the centres allotted to them were not among the choices they had selected during the form-filling process. The decision has left students, especially those from poor backgrounds in a state of distress as they cannot afford the travel and lodging expenses. Disrupting and over-burdening students already overburdened with the challenges of preparing for the highly competitive entrance test is highly reprehensible,” he said.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

He further added, “The decision to move the exam centres outside J&K not only places an undue financial burden on families already struggling to make ends meet but also exposes their children to unnecessary hardship and distress. I hope the concerned authorities will take up the issues with NTA and confine the examination centers within Jammu & Kashmir. I will also take up the issue with the concern for prompt resolution.”

Party’s State Spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar has also strongly criticized the apathetic decision to allocate examination centers in Haryana and Punjab for Kashmiri aspirants participating in the CUET examinations.

He said the exorbitant travel and boarding costs are well beyond the means of the majority of students. “Increasing the number of examination centers within Kashmir is a straightforward solution to this problem, as the region has the capacity to accommodate the aspirants,” he said.(KNS).

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