Ex-PC Youth Sec. Sonwar Muzaffar Hafiz along with dozen youth activists join Apni Party

Mohammad Ashraf Mir welcomes the new entrants

Mohammad Ashraf Mir welcomes the new entrants

Srinagar, Dec 31 (KNS): Ex-Pc Youth Secretary Sonwar Muzaffar Hafiz along with dozen youth activists on Friday joined Apni Party at the Party Central Office in M2 Church Lane, Sonwar.

The joining ceremony took place in presence of Former Minister and Party Provincial President Kashmir Mohammad Ashraf Mir, District President Srinagar Noor Mohammad Sheikh, District President Kupwara Raja Manzoor and DDC Chairman Srinagar Malik Aftab.

The joining ceremony was organized by District Youth President Srinagar Mohsin Zaffar Shah. On this occasion prominent youth activists Rouf Ahmad Rather & Basit along with numerous others also joined the party-fold.

Welcoming the new entrants into the party fold, Mohammad Ashraf Mir said Apni Party is a dynamic political platform that has always raised the issues pertaining to youth welfare and most of its active members constitute energetic and talented youth.

“The Party leadership is well aware of the difficulties faced by the youth in J&K especially in relation to scarce employment avenues. However, empowerment of youth and generation of employment opportunities in J&K remains one of the core agendas of the party.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelOur leadership is committed to put forth unrelenting efforts for the mitigation of the sufferings of youth and if party comes to power we will ensure that every person has access to earn a dignified livelihood,” he said. 

He also impressed on the new entrants to work diligently for the welfare of the locals in their respective areas and listen to their pressing pleas for its immediate redressal. "Youth have immense potential and utilizing that potential in the service of society and the downtrodden sections is moral incumbency. It is the power of youth that has changed the very destiny of nations and I have firm belief that our youth are highly talented and erudite who if provided with ample opportunities can lead J&K to new heights of progress and prosperity," he added.

The new entrants thanked the party leadership for letting them join the party cadres while asserting that it was the party’s deliverance on ground that influenced their decision. They also pledged to strengthen the party at grassroots level especially in Sonwar Constituency. (KNS)

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