Ensure no paucity of essentials in Ramadan: Khurshid Alam to Govt

PC leader demands implementation of food entitlement scheme, enhancement of ration in J&K

PC leader demands implementation of food entitlement scheme, enhancement of ration in J&K

Srinagar March 25 (KNS):  Peoples Conference Provincial President and former legislator Mohammad Khurshid Alam has called on the government to ensure that there is no shortage of essential items during Ramadan. 

In a statement, Alam expressed concern over the shortage of ration at government depots, which has severely affected the poverty-stricken population. 
“While some people can afford to buy ration from private stores, the poor are left without options”, he said.

Alam emphasized that it is the duty of the government to allocate an adequate amount of ration to the people, especially during the sacred month of Ramadan.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe called for the immediate implementation of the food entitlement scheme, which would provide ration at subsidized rates to the masses in the midst of the ongoing crisis.

“In addition to ensuring an adequate supply of ration, the government should also ensure the provision of water and electricity during Ramadan, particularly during the Iftar and Sehri times”, he added.

Alam highlighted that there are many areas in Kashmir that are suffering from an acute shortage of water and electricity, and the people are struggling to cope with the unprecedented increase in power bills. He urged the government to prioritize the provision of these essential services to the people, so they no longer suffer needlessly.(KNS) 

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