Dr. Farooq, Omar Abdullah pay tributes to Shaheed Aga Syed Mehdi on his Martyrdom anniversary

Party rank and file also offers rich tributes recalls his services for community, society

Party rank and file also offers rich tributes recalls his services for community, society

Srinagar Nov 02 (KNS):  The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah and Vice President Omar Abdullah paid flowing tributes to noted Shia leader and scholar, Shaheed Aga Syed Mehdi on his Martyrdom Anniversary.

In his message Dr. Farooq said, “Shaheed Aga Syed Mehdi Sahab was a man of the masses and had great knowledge of Islam and history. He worked tirelessly for the downtrodden and the destitute and was their voice. Today on the Martyrdom Anniversary of Shaheed Aga Sahab, I pay him my tribute. May Almighty elevate his stations in Jannat.”

NC Vice President Omar Abdullah also paid glowing tributes to Shaheed Aga Syed Mehdi on his Death Anniversary and recollected the late leader’s numerous contributions to the society and community.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel“Shaheed Aga Sahab’s sacrifice cannot be forgotten. He laid down his life for the principles of truth, courage and peace. He lived his life for the people and espoused the cause of their amelioration and uplift. On Aga Sahib’s  Death Anniversary today, I offer him my tributes."

NC General Secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar, Addl General Secretary Dr. Sheikh Mustafa Kamal, Treasurer Shammi Oberoi, Provincial President Nasir Aslam Wani, Chief Spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq, Senior leaders Choudhary Muhammad Ramzan, Abdul Rahim Rather, Mubarak Gul, Mian Altaf Ahmad, Shameema Firdous, Sakina Itoo, MPs Muhammad Akbar Lone, Hasnain Masoodi, Political Advisor to President Mushtaq Guroo, Political Advisor to VP Mudassar Shahmiri, State Spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar, Zone Presidents Javed Dar, Ali Muhammad Dar, Syed Tauqeer, YNC Provincial President Salman Ali Sagar, Showkat Mir, Women’s Wing Provincial President Er. Sabiya Qadri, SM Head Ifra Jan and others have also paid rich tributes to the late leader.(KNS)

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