Deteriorating security situation disappointing, matter of grave concern: JKPCC

Holds district level review meeting

Holds district level review meeting

Baramulla Nov 02 (KNS):  Congress played a significant role in the inclusive development of the country while rendering its best services to every section of the people living in the country, besides ensuring that their democratic and constitutional rights were safeguarded.

The Party shall continue to work for the wellbeing of people and inclusive development of J&K.

J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) President Vikar Rasool Wani made these comments while addressing a district level review meeting at Dak-Bunglow Baramulla in North Kashmir. AICC Joint Secretary & Co-Incharge J&K Manoj Yadav, JKPCC Senior Vice President G.N.Monga and various other leaders  also addressed the meeting.

JKPCC President Vikar Rasool Wani reviewed the organizational affairs and activities in Baramulla District and also reviewed the preparations for the upcoming challenges particularly Assembly and other elections which are due. Wani urged the party workers and leaders to reach out to public with Congress Party’s programme and policies and also highlight their problems for resolution

On this occasion, JKPCC President hit out at the BJP Govt for failing people on all fronts especially on economic, employment, developmental fronts. He said all the promises made by the BJP have fallen flat leading to disappointment among the people.

He also blamed the Govt for deteriorating security situation in J&K, instead of beating the drums of development and peace, Govt should concentrate on rising incidents of targeted killings and attack on Police and Security Forces personnel including non-locals, which is a matter of grave concern and needs to be tackled, Wani added and termed so called UT divas celebrations  by BJP  meaningless amounting to adding insult to the injuries of people, who are aware as to what they have lost after downgrading of full-fledged State in an undemocratic manner.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

AICC Joint Secretary and Co Incharge Manoj Yadav expressed satisfaction over the overwhelming participation of Party workers in the review meeting and urged them to gear-up for the elections and other challenges to Congress Party. He said Congress enjoys a enormous acceptability across J&K, the misleading propaganda and vendetta politics by BJP could not break Party resolve to move on and fight for people’s rights.

Addressing the meeting JKPCC Senior Vice Presidents Ghulam Nabi Monga said that propaganda machinery of BJP won’t succeed in misleading people in Jammu as well as in Kashmr, as they (people) have realized that BJP has humiliated them by dividing J&K into two UTs and doing away with other constitutional rights. Congress will emerge stronger in the elections as and when held given the party pro people policies and programmes.

JKPCC General Secretaries Fayaz Ahmad Mir, Mir Iqbal, Arshid Ahmad Tantray, Bashir Ahmad Khan,DCC President Irshad Budoo, PCC Secretary Sheikh Amir, Amir Khan Batla,DDC Member Shahjehan Dar, Altaf Malik, Nazir Ahmad Lone (DCC President) Kupwara, Mahila Congress Leaders and  Youth Congress  leaders addressed the meeting.(KNS) 

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