Congress observers 137th Foundation Day, pledges to continue to serve people

Srinagar, Dec 28 (KNS): The Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) Tuesday observed Party’s 137th Foundation Day at Srinagar Party Office while terming the Party as an instrument of service to the people.

On 137th Congress Foundation Day, Senior Party Leaders, District Presidents and prominent workers of Kashmir province in a function held at Srinagar Party Office recalled the sacrifices & selfless services of the Congress Party to the Nation.

Former legislator and senior party leaders Bashir Ahmad Magrey led the party leaders in celebrating Congress Foundation day in Srinagar.

Speaking on the occasion Bashir Ahmad Magrey said Congress was founded on this day by 72 delegates, which reminds us of our dedication and commitment to the cause of strengthening the organization and serve the people, as that, the party has history of 137 years services to the Nation, credited of empowering people of every shade living in the country, besides making India as a prosperous and developing Nation.

On this occasion, Magrey said those opposing the Congress to hide their failures must know that it is the Congress party alone which has united the country and defeated the forces inimical to the Indian State, the Party feels committed to fight against all those forces harming the very foundation of Secular India.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Congress party re-presents the idea of secular India and it will continue to serve and unite people of all colours and religions, Magrey added. 

Speaking on the occasion, JKPCC General Secretary Surinder Singh Channi described the Congress as a hope for the people, while having full faith in the programme and pro people policies of the Party. Channi urged the party cadres to do their best to strengthen the Congress Party at booth level.

Among others who spoke on the occasion included DCC President Abdul Gani Khan,All India Mahila Congress Secretary Shameema Raina, PCC General Secretary Shameema Iqbal, Fayaz Ahmad Mir, Sahil Farooq, Umer Jaan, Dr.Ayoub Matoo(DCC Presidents) Mir Ruvais, Muneer Ahmad Mir(Lolab), Nazir Ahmad Lone (Kupwara),Gulam Mohd Shiekh, Khursheed Zargar, Sheikh Amir,Showket Ahmad Malik, Shameema Sopori, Saira, Raja Bano, Yasir Amin Pandit, Muzaffar Shah, Javed Ahmad, Zulfkar Qureshi,Mir Mustafa Magami, Aqib Khandey, Adv.Raja Ashraf,Gh.Mohd Dar (Budgam) Asif Beigh, Shamema Khan Corporators various other Senior Party Leaders and Prominent party workers.  

On this occasion, Congress leaders and workers led by Bashir Ahmad Magrey hoisted the Party flag in the premises of PCC Office and exchanged greetings. (KNS)

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