Baramulla boy drowns to death in a bid to save girl who slipped in Jhelum while taking selfie

 Mohsin Khan

Baramulla, March 01 (KNS): A boy drowned to death trying to save a girl who fell in river Jhelum while taking selfie in north Kashmir's Baramulla district on Wednesday. 

An official told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that a girl, who was taking a selfie at suspension bridge in Baramulla, accidentally slipped and fell into the river Jhelum. 

He said soon after the incident, a boy jumped into the river in a bid to rescue the girl, however, he drowned to death, while girl was rescued immediately.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 

The official said after hectic efforts body of the boy was later retrieved from the river by a rescue team. 

The boy has been identified as Suhail Ahmed Parra son of Noor Mohammad Parra resident of Sangri Colony Baramulla.

Meanwhile, senior superintendent of police Baramulla, Amod Nagpure told KNS they were investigating the matter and further details were being collected. (KNS)

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