Youth JKPC Urges Govt to Address Pay Disparity for College Lecturers

 Srinagar, Dec 05(KNS): Youth JKPC Peoples Conference urged the LG Administration and JK Govt to address the long-pending issue of pay disparity and vacation salary restoration for college lecturers in Jammu and Kashmir.

Youth President Mudasir Karim has been vocal about this issue, previously highlighting the plight of college lecturers who are struggling to make ends meet due to their meager salaries. Despite his efforts, the issue remains unresolved, and Karim has expressed his disappointment, stating that it's unfortunate that the government has still not taken care of this critical issue.

The Youth JKPC Peoples Conference is now appealing to the present democratic government to step in and address the demands of the college lecturers.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe organization is seeking a salary adjustment that brings the lecturers' pay at par with their counterparts in Ladakh, as well as the restoration of vacation salaries that were discontinued in 2019. The Youth JKPC Peoples Conference believes that it's time for the government to prioritize the welfare of college lecturers and ensure that they receive fair pay and benefits.(KNS).

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