TEDxNITSrinagar conducts another Mini TEDx Talk Competition at Tyndale Biscoe School

Srinagar March 31:(KNS)   TEDxNITSrinagar conducted another Mini TEDx Talk Competition at Tyndale Biscoe School on 31st March 2022. Twelve Shortlisted Students presented their talks on various topics in front of the jury and two winners were shortlisted, who will be coming to NIT Srinagar for the Phase 2 (State Level) Mini TEDx Competition. TEDxNITSrinagar is being organized in the valley at a massive level by the Department of Training & Placement NIT Srinagar, under the guidance of Head T&P Dr. Obbu Chandra Sekhar. 
The Chief Guests of the event were Director -Tyndale-Biscoe and Mallinson Society Mr. Parwez Samuel Kaul and Principal – The Biscoe & Mallinson School Mr. Alistair R A Freese. The event was attended by hundreds of students from Tyndale Biscoe School. 
Syed Aga Hadi Riza (Curator – TEDxNITSrinagar) and Mir Faizan (Licensee & Organizer – TEDxNITSrinagar) were the members of the jury panel for the competition. 
The Licensee and Organizer of TEDxNITSrinagar Mr. Faizan shared with students the journey of TEDx coming to Kashmir. He also made the students aware about the topics which will be covered during the TEDxNITSrinagar event. He introduced TEDx and the Mini TEDxNITSrinagar competition to the audience, and wished good luck to the participants. Mr. Mir also thanked the sponsors of this event Broadway Education Hub, Resonance Eduventures, Chanakya IAS Academy, Web Cycle and WHSS for supporting TEDs mission of sharing ‘Ideas worth Spreading’.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 
Mr Syed Aga Hadi Riza – The Curator, TEDxNITSrinagar before declaring the results of todays competition, motivated students to be a part of public speaking activities, as it helps a person in excelling in academic and well as professional life. 
The Director Tyndale-Biscoe and Mallinson Society Mr. Parwez Samuel Kaul in his address to the audience appreciated the students for working so hard to prepare for this elocution competition. He also thanked the TEDxNITSrinagar organizers for brining TEDx to Tyndale Biscoe School. Mr Kaul also encouraged students to think positively of the future and hope for a better tomorrow. 
The formal vote of thanks was given by the principal – Tyndale Biscoe & Mallinson School Mr. Alistair R A Freese who thanked NIT Srinagar and Department of Training of Placement NIT Srinagar for bringing an International Conference like TEDx to the valley. He also appreciated the efforts of the TEDxNITSrinagar team for reaching out to so many schools of the valley, so that students get a chance to live the TED experience and witness TEDxNITSrinagar. Mr. Freese congratulated the winners and appreciated Ms. Fatima Muzammil for her efforts in making this event possible. 
TEDxNITSrinagar team presents their gratitude to the Tyndale Biscoe School and Ms. Fatima Muzamil for being such warm hosts, and for the smooth conduction of this impactful event. You can know more about TEDxNITSrinagar at www.tedxnitsrinagar.in.(KNS)

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