Special Training programme on Civil Courts Act, Court Fees Act, Suits Valuation Act held at Srinagar


SRINAGAR, MAY 28 (KNS):Under the vision of Justice Pankaj Mithal, Chief Justice, High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh and Patron-in-Chief, J&K Judicial Academy, directions of Justice Dhiraj Singh Thakur, Chairman besides guidance of Justice Sindhu Sharma and Justice Javed Iqbal Wani, members of Governing Committee for Jammu and Kashmir Judicial Academy, a one day special training programme on “Civil Courts Act, Court Fees Act, and Suits Valuation Act inclusive of Computation techniques, payment modes and effects of non-payment and deficiency” was organized at Judicial Academy Complex, Mominabad, Srinagar for Civil Judges (Senior and Junior division) of Kashmir province.

The training programme was inaugurated by Justice Dhiraj Singh Thakur, Judge, High Court of J&K and Ladakh while Justice Hakim Imtiyaz Hussain, Former Judge, High Court of J&K was the resource person in the programme.

In his inaugural address, Justice Dhiraj Singh Thakur highlighted the significance of holding the training programme on the subject topics in view of its extensive use and application in the working of Civil Courts. He emphasised the paramount importance of procedural and substantive laws in the process of administration of justice and also advised the participants to derive utmost benefits from the rich knowledge imparted during training programmes in order to clarify any hovering doubts on the practical usage of the law during Court proceedings.

Justice Hakim Imtiyaz Hussain, Former Judge, High Court of J&K in his special remarks, apprised the participants of glorious past of J&K Judicial Academy as being one of the oldest academies in the country. While reminiscing his directorial days at the Academy, he expressed happiness and satisfaction on the state-of-art facilities being provided by the Academy in present time for providing quality education and training.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe also gave a brief overview of the provisions of Civil Courts Act, Court Fees Act, Suits Evaluation Act and described them as indispensable enactments during civil proceedings.

Shahzad Azeem, Director, J&K Judicial Academy, in his welcome address, described Judicial institutions as sentinels of Justice charged with the responsibility of protecting the freedom of people and ensuring their right to justice. He also underscored the multi latitudinal purpose and object of fiscal enactments as that of prescribing and regulating the uniform levy of fees, and revenue collection along with minimizing multiplicity of litigation.

In the first technical session, resource person Justice Hakim Imtiyaz Hussain elaborately explained the classification and hierarchy of courts and also dealt with jurisdictions and powers assigned to the civil courts under the Civil Courts Act. Provisions relating to appeals as well as bar against trial of certain suits and appeals were also explained in detail.

In the second technical session, the provisions and procedure under the Court Fees Act and Suits Evaluation Act along with the computation techniques involved, different payment modes in usage and effects of non-payment and deficiency was also elaborately discussed.

The technical sessions were followed by an interactive session during which the participants deliberated on various aspects of the subject topic and raised queries which were satisfactorily settled by the resource person.(KNS)

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