Sakina rues power outages, electricity tariff hike, leads protest march in DH Pora

Asks Admin to live up to its promise on ensuring steady power supply during winter season

Asks Admin to live up to its promise on ensuring steady power supply during winter season

Srinagar Dec 01 (KNS) : The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference State Secretary and Former Cabinet Minister Sakina Itoo on Thursday led a protest march in DH Pora against electricity tariff hike, unscheduled power outages.

Lamenting the administration for its failure to live up to its promise of ensuring steady power supply during winter months, Sakina said people are fed up with the electricity department. “The erratic power supply is affecting one and all, particularly the elderly and the students. No proper schedule is being followed by PDD. The electricity woes have affected the working in primary, secondary and tertiary health care centers.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelOut of 24 hours, our people are getting power supply for barely three hours,” she said.

She said the nightmarish experience faced by people under the incumbent dispensation knows no end. “Poor families have received power bills amounting to thousands of rupees with warning that if the same were not deposited well in time, will incur additional amount in the form of interest,” she added. 

The government only swings into action when it has to extract money from the consumers but when it comes to steady deliverance of power supply it is remiss in its duties. (KNS) 

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