Sajjad Shaheen visits remote villages of Khari Tehsil

Demands PHC at Mahoo, Buzla besides improvement in Health infrastructure in other remote areas

Demands PHC at Mahoo, Buzla besides improvement in Health infrastructure in other remote areas

Banihal June 29 (KNS: National Conference leader and District president Ramban, Mir Sajjad Shaheen accompanied by DDC counselor Khari Mrs Gulshan Parveen and other party functionaries today conducted extensive tour to Village Kawna, Bawa, Arimarg and Bajnari in Khari Tehsil of Banihal constituency and took stock of the problems faced by the local villagers on day to day basis.

Shaheen met people in Khari and Mandakbas also where locals apprised him about scarcity of drinking water and erratic power supply in far-off areas of the tehsil.

Shaheen said the road connectivity to Khari -Mahu and Banihal -Mangit roads is in bad shape which has added to the miseries of the people. He particularly referred to the frequent blockade of Nachlana – Khari -Mahu road due to sinking of a major portion of the road at Hirnihal in Khari tehsil, saying no serious effort is being made to repair the road.

Shaheen has also expressed his concern over the delay in getting forest clearance of the several roads in Khari Tehsil particularly Bawa to Mangit road, Agnari to Tragan road, Kawna to Buzla road and has urged upon the Forest and R&B department to clear the bottle necks and expedite the process of forest clearance so that work could be taken up for construction of these roads.
He has also demanded road connectivity to Bajnari, Walao, Trajibal, Moori, Dupdalaw , Acchan, Rattan, Kasparan Bajnari, and Nawan roads besides instalation of Internet Tower at Sarachi. 

Shaheen drew the attention of the administration towards deficiencies in Health and Education sectors and sought immediate improvement in the Health infrastructure in remote areas and has demanded setting up of PHCs in Mahoo, Mangit, Buzla , Kumbla, Khari and other areas besides filling up of vacant posts as also stocking of adequate quantity of medicines in the Health institutions.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Shaheen further said that Mahoo -Mangit, Neel, Zamando, Mahibaal, Sargali, Gool have a tremendous tourism potential as a Mega winter tourist Festival was also recently held in Mahoo in which large number of National level skiers participated. He had demanded construction of tourism infrastructure particularly huts in these areas so that tourists do not face any inconvenience while staying in these picturesque areas. 

Later, Shaheen also went to the residence of Bashir Ahmed Wani R/O Bajnari to offer condolences to him and his family on the death of his mother. Special Fatiha prayers were also held for the eternal peace of the departed soul. 

DDC counselor Khari Mrs Gulshan Parveen, District Vice president Abdul Aziz Pachoo, Tehsil incharge Gulam Hassan Naik, block Vice Presidents Jalal Ud din Padder, Abdul Rahman Bhat Sarpanch Mahu and Jabar Ahmed Mir, Youth block president Shabir Ahmed Naik, block secretary Khari Farooq Ahmed Goth, Mohd Ramzan Wani, Khalid Makhdoomi, Mohd Hussain Naik, Abdul Aziz Hajam, Gulam Mohammad Hajam, Mohd Ramzan Sheikh and others also accompanied the leader.(KNS) 

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