Sajad Lone visits District Kupwara

 Kupwara July 09 (KNS):  J&K Peoples Conference President Sajad Gani Lone today visited various areas in Handwara, Kupwara, Karnah, Lolab and Trehgam constituencies in District Kupwara essentially to make social visits and offer condolences at a number of places.

A statement of PC issued here said that Lone visited various constituencies in District Kupwara where he held a series of social interactions with party workers and visited the bereaved families of several PC workers in these areas. The PC President interacted with the families and expressed his heartfelt sympathies on the loss of their loved ones. He offered Fatiha and prayed for eternal peace to the deceased souls.

Lone visited Rajpora, Zachaldara to condole with the families of workers who lost their loved ones in the recent weeks.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe also visited the residence of Abdul Aziz Banday in Handwara to condole the tragic death of his grandson. PC President later visited  Sheenipora Vilgam to condole the death of Mohammad Sultan Khan who was a long time associate of Late Abdul Gani Lone sahib and a senior worker of the party. Lone also visited the families of Mohammad Akram Bhat and Mubarak Ahmad Pir,  Mohd Subhan Sheikh, Gh Qadir Bhat and Gh Mohiuddin Bhat in Punzwa to express his sympathies with the bereaved families. Lone also visited Turkpora to enquire about the health of senior worker Ghulam Rasool Tantray. He prayed for good health and swift revovery of Tantray sahib. He later visited Sontipora in Karnah constituency to express condolences on the passing of senior worker Sonaullah Mir

PC President also visited several bereaved families of workers in Gugloosa, Trehgam, Rajpora Rajwar, Batergam, Branwari, Gagal and Drugmulla to express solidarity with the families in their hour of grief.(KNS) 

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