Sajad Lone condemns Handwara firing incident, demands punishment for those guilty

Srinagar March 07:(KNS)  J&K Peoples Conference President Sajad Gani Lone today condemned the unfortunate incident of security forces firing on civilians inside the mosque premises in Handwara and demanded an impartial probe into the unfortunate incident. 

While expressing anguish over the incident, Sajad Lone hoped that erring security forces are held accountable and strict punishment is meted out to those responsible. 
"What a sorry state of affairs.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelOne of the most peaceful towns Handwara at the receiving end. 
Hoping against hope the guilty are punished", he said. 
He prayed for swift recovery of those injured in the unfortunate incident and expressed sympathies with the affected families. 
Meanwhile, Lone also called the hospital authorities to enquire about the condition of the injured and was relieved to know that injuries were not life threatening.

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