NC rank and file pays glowing tributes to Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah on his 117th birth anniversary

Major commemorative function marked by floral tributes, Fatiha Khawani to be held at Qaid Mazar, Hazratbal

Major commemorative function marked by floral tributes, Fatiha Khawani to be held at Qaid Mazar, Hazratbal

Similar commemorative functions to be held across Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh

Srinagar, Dec 04 (KNS) : The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference rank and file on Sunday paid glowing tributes to Baba-e-Qoum Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah on his 117th birth anniversary, calling him a man of iron determination. 

The party leaders in their tributes said, “Life of Sher-e-Kashmir has something of interest for everyone. When we remember Sher-e-Kashmir, we recall his magical grip on the hearts and minds of masses to whose marked historical and cultural individuality, he gave a political expression during his life time.”

"A Colossus, who build the men and the women, dwarfed by years of servitude, into a people worthy of motherland by piloting them out of proverbial poverty, and deprivation," they said adding, “Sheikh Sahib wended his way through troubles, tribulations and incarcerations on the march to the establishment of new order, which knew no exploitation and guaranteed equal social, economic, and political status for all.”

The functionaries said, “Thus the story of struggle for emancipation in J&K is inextricably woven into the life of Sheikh Sahib, who piloted it through a torturous course to its fulfilment. Every hardship that came his way steeled his resolve not to submit to anyone and strengthened his faith in the supremacy of the moral force,” adding, “The vision and mission of the tallest of all Kashmiris, who rode the crest of the popular upsurge and grew out of the storm will continue to guide us. In them we find various aspects of life distilled through his intimate experience and an undercurrent of a craving for dignity of man. He, along with his numerous colleagues initiated a movement that aimed at affording all opportunities, and facilities to the toiling masses irrespective of religion or region.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelOur case continues to stand on that unique footing even today with an unchangeable claim to restoration of people's dignity, and their democratic and constitutional rights.”

Among others Party General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar, Provincial Presidents Nasir Aslam Wani, Ratan Lal Gupta, Chief Spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq, Treasurer Shammi Oberoi, Party MPs Muhammad Akbar Lone, Hassnain Masoodi, Senior leaders Mohammad Shafi Uri, Choudhary Mohammad Ramzan, Abdul Rahim Rathar, Mian Altaf, Mubarak Gul, Shameema Firdous, Sakina Itoo, Nazir Gurezi, Ajay Sadhotra, Sajad Ahmed Kichloo, Khalid Najeeb Surharwardhy, Irfan Shah, Zonal Presidents Dr. Bashir Ahmed Veeri, Ali Muhammad Dar, Javed Dar, Senior Provincial VP Muhammad Syed Akhoon, State Spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar, Provincial VPs Syed Tauqeer Ahmed, Ahsan Pardesi, Provincial Secretary Showkat Mir, district Presidents Dr Sajjad Shafi, Peer Afaq, GA Shah, GR Naaz, Showkat Hussain, Altaf Ahmad Wani, Gh Mohiudin Mir, Qaiser Jamshed Lone, Abdul Ahad Dar, YNC Provincial Presidents Salman Ali Sagar, Aijaz Jan; Deputy Chief Spokesperson Dr. Gagan Baghat, Social media head Sarah Hayat Shah, Provincial Spokesperson Ifra Jan, Dr. Sameer Koul, Women’s Wing Provincial Presidents Sabiya Qadri, Satwant Kour Dogra, Bimla Luthra, Sheikh Bashir Ahmed, JS Azad, Additional Spokespersons Th. Yashwardhan Singh, Zeeshan Rana, Constituency In Charges, Block and Halqa Presidents, media, social media, YNC, Women's Wing, Minority wing functionaries, DDC members have paid glowing tributes to Sher-e-Kashmir. 

Meanwhile , as already notified a delegate session will also be held at Naseem Bagh Hazratbal on 5th December, 2022.(KNS) 

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