NC not against Women Reservation Bill: Omar Abdullah

Rulers are scared of holding assembly elections in J&K; Peace is limited in Srinagar city; Present dispensation telling lies and not ready to accept the problem

Rulers are scared of holding assembly elections in J&K; Peace is limited in Srinagar city; Present dispensation telling lies and not ready to accept the problem

Budgam, Sept 19 (KNS): Former Chief Minister J&K Omar Abdullah Tuesday said that National Conference is not against the Women's Reservation Bill. He said the ruling dispensation is telling lies and is not ready to accept grassroots level situation.

Speaking to reporters in central Kashmir’s Budgam, the former CM J&K as per KNS said that National Conference has never been against giving reservation to women. "NC is not against Women Reservation Bill. Even we implemented it in Panchayat's and other areas in past," Omar Abdullah said.


He said 50 percent of our population comprises of women folk who should be given reservation. "NC has sizable number of women leaders and activists. Even we have special women wing. In Jammu region we have enough number of women. Our party can nominate women candidates whereever required," he said.


The former CM said NC is not scared of Women Reservation Bill.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel"The present rulers are acting like Betaj Badshah. They are scared and running away from holding assembly elections in J&K," he held.


To a query, he replied today is the 7th day of Kokernag encounter which explains how much peace has prevailed in J&K. "Peace is only visible in Srinagar city and beyond that there is complete destruction. Rulers are playing golf in Srinagar and roaming with Miss Universe. But at grassroots level the situation can be easily guaged by Kokernag encounter which seems endless," he added.


Omar said the present dispensation is telling lies and is not ready to accept ground reality. "They are not even ready to accept the problem. If they have courage to accept the problem, we will provide them how to resolve it," Omar said. (KNS)

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