Minor boy mauled to death by leopard in Handwara

 Raja Akbar

Handwara Sep 18 (KNS): A 2-year-old boy was killed in a leopard attack in Nakama Rajwara area of ??Handwara in north Kashmir's Kupwara district, officials said on Monday afternoon.

Officials told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that a minor boy was playing outside his house when a man-eating wild animal attacked him and left him critically injured in nearby forests, where he later succumbed to his injuries.  He passed away without being able to bear it.

Authorities have identified the minor boy as Burhan Kamal Mir son of Muhammad Kamal Mir Nikama Rajur Handwara.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

After several such incidents were reported in Rajwar area of ??Kupwara district and Mawar Kalamabad area in the recent past, local people have demanded the authorities to take necessary steps to avoid any such incident in future.

A wildlife official confirmed the incident and said a search will be launched to trap the animal. (KNS)

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