Minor, his uncle rescued alive from well after 12-hour long painstaking rescue operation in Kupwara

Kupwara November 18 (KNS): The rescuers successfully rescued a-9-year old boy and his uncle alive in a critical condition after they got stuck in a well for around Twelve hour in Hatmullah Chak village of north Kashmir’s Kupwara.

"Minor boy identified as Firdous Ahmad, son of Nazir Ahmad accidently fell into a well in the backyard of his house at this evening. Soon after the incident, in an attempt to rescue the minor, his uncle too jumped in the well, however he also got trapped as a portion of the well was eroding continuously," the officials told the Kashmir News Service (KNS).
The officials of civil administration, police, army, SDRF, Fire and Emergency, health department, home guard officials were part of painstaking rescue operation and were on the spot during the entire twelve hour long rescue operation. Deputy Commissioner Kupwara Dr Sagar himself reached to the spot, stayed there till the operation was taken to its conclusion. 
Talking to a local volunteer of rescue operation said that both got rescued safely, because of everyone's prayers and untiring efforts of the rescue team, "Both showed exceptional courage and remained calm during the five hour long rescue operation", he said.
Another official said that the operation was quite hectic due to continuous erosion in some portions of well, besides the operation was going in shivering cold in evening hours, right from 4 pm to 2 pm, however the relief teams used Four JCB machines that helped in putting control on erosion in well walls, he said.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelAdministration also escorted three ambulances at the site to provide medical assistance.
The rescue operation got hampered due to frequent stone slides at the site, sparking painstaking rescue involving digging a hole alongside the narrow shaft to reach them for safe evacuation of the duo, he added.
In the initial stage of operation a plastic pipe was installed in the well for the passage of oxygen to the trapped persons. Arrangement of warm drinking water was also arranged for their survival during these five hours, official said.
The duo was taken out alive because of dedicated and mutual committed team work, and assistance of locals, official, said.
CMO Kupwara Dr Bashir Ahmed said that the duo were evacuated in a critical condition and has been shifted to district hospital Kupwara for advance treatment, he added. (KNS)

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