Maternity and Child Care hospital in Tangmarg awaits completion for 8 years

 Aaqib Khan

Tangmarg, Sep 18 (KNS): Maternity and Child Care hospital in Tangmarg has been waiting for completion for the last eight years, the residents alleged on Monday.

Residents told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that the hospital building was inaugurated by them health minister in 2015, however, since then the hospital is awaiting completion.

They said that the foundation stone was laid so that facilities could be provided to the people of Subdutharan village of Tangmarg.

“The building was suppossed to be completed in 3 years, however, even after passing of nearly 8 years it is still incomplete,” they said.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

They added that in March this year, Secretary Health and Education Bhupinder Kumar along with Director Health Services Kashmir and Chief Medical Officer Baramulla visited the spot and assured that it will completed in a few months,

“But his assurance has also proved to be a mirage. Due to the delay in the construction of the building, pregnant women are not getting the facilities that are available in the hospital,” they said. (KNS)

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