LG’s Rolling Trophy: Cricket selection trials held at Karnah by DYSS

Khushal Khawaja

Karnah, Sep 01 (KNS) : Inauguration of cricket selection trials under LG’s Rolling Trophy took place in karnah. The inaugural function at all the venues were witnessed by the respective PRI's and people in large numbers. 

The trails witnessed impressive participation of cricketers/players from the different panchayats with zeal and zest.
Speaking on the occasion, the ZPEO Raja Mushtaq said that this is a great initiative by the Sports Department to pick the best hidden talent and explore and channelize the energy of youth in the right direction.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
It has been observed that participants are very enthusiastic. At all the venues, speakers highlighted the importance of games and sports and stressed upon the participants to exhibit discipline in all respects that is the wont of games and sports.(KNS) 

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