Kashmir Schools Federation Mourns Tragic Loss of lives in Gandabal Incident

Srinagar, Apr 18 (KNS): The Kashmir Schools Federation (KSF) is deeply saddened by the tragic loss of school students in the recent boat capsize incident near Gandbal, Srinagar. Our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of the victims, and we extend our heartfelt condolences during this difficult time.

In solidarity with the affected families and to honor the memory of the young lives lost, the Kashmir Schools Federation appeals to all member schools to observe a moment of silence and offer prayers during the morning assembly tomorrow. This collective prayer is a way for our school community to come together in support and reflection, as we mourn the untimely passing of these promising young students.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

As educators, it is our responsibility to instill values of compassion, unity, and resilience in our students, especially during moments of tragedy. Through this gesture of solidarity and remembrance, we hope to provide solace and strength to everyone impacted by this heartbreaking event.

The Kashmir Schools Federation expresses gratitude to the rescue teams and authorities involved in the ongoing efforts to locate the missing individuals and offers prayers for their safe recovery.(KNS) 

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