Kadfeen Choudhary accuses Owaisi of supporting Communal forces and dividing secular vote bank

Srinagar May 10 (KNS): Kadfeen Choudhary, Congress leader from Jammu and Kashmir, expressed concern over AIMM Chief Asad-ud-din Owaisi's actions, which seem to be supporting the division of the secular vote bank. Mr. Owaisi's stand against opposition parties that are fighting to protect the secular fabric of our country is alarming. It is crucial for all parties to come together and work towards a common goal of preserving the unity and diversity of India.

Kadfeen  who is Congress party’s incharge tribal affairs and communication incharge besides being an active AICC member, in a statement issued here said that as Congress leader from Jammu and Kashmir, he strongly believes in the principles of secularism and social harmony, which are under threat due to the divisive politics of the Communal forces .  

“We have seen Mr. Owaisi’s recent election campaigns in different states, where he has consistently targeted and attacked the Congress Party and other opposition parties who are fighting against the Communal forces 's communal agenda. Mr. Owaisi is dividing the secular votes and thus helping the Communal forces  to win elections by getting a minority vote share. The AIMM Chief is playing a dangerous game by standing against the opposition parties who have always worked towards the betterment of the nation and its citizens.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelIt is a well-known fact that the Communal forces 's main objective is to divide the people on communal lines and rule the country. It is our responsibility as opposition parties to unite and fight against such nefarious designs,” Kadfeen said.

He added that It is unfortunate that instead of standing with the secular forces in the country, Mr. Owaisi has chosen to play into the hands of the Communal forces . His recent statements and actions suggest that he is more interested in dividing the secular vote bank than in uniting it against the communal forces. “It is important to remember that the Communal forces  is a threat to the very fabric of our democracy and secularism. It is essential that all secular forces come together to defeat the Communal forces  in the upcoming elections. However, Mr. Owaisi's actions are making it easier for the Communal forces  to win elections by dividing the secular vote. I call upon Mr. Owaisi to reconsider his actions and stand with the secular forces in the country. It is time to put aside our differences and unite against the communal forces that threaten our democracy and social harmony.”(KNS)

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