JKNPF condemns killing of female teacher in Kulgam

Srinagar, May 31 (KNS): Jammu and Kashmir Nationalist Peoples Front (JKNPF) on Tuesday condemned the killing of Rajni Bala, a female teacher who was killed by militants in Kulgam district. 

In a statement, issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), JKNPF termed the killing as a heinous crime against humanity and Kashmiri people. 
“The targeted killing of civilians has created a sense of fear among the residents of Kashmir. From Ambreen Bhat to Rajini Bala, the enemies of humanity aren't sparing anyone. These gunmen are on a killing spree in Kashmir irrespective of their faith, color and creed," said president JKNPF Sanjay Kumar. 
He further said that the perpetrators involved in the civilian killings must be punished and common people given enough security. 
"The security agencies must nab the killers to ensure they face the justice system. Everyone knows who is behind the civilian killings and our security forces are capable enough to handle these killers," he added.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 
Sanjay urged the people of Jammu and Kashmir to raise their voices against these innocent killings. 
“Unless and until people of Kashmir will not unite and raise their voices against the civilian killings, these killings will not stop. People must come forward and condemn, protest against the civilian killings.”
He expressed his sympathies with the bereaved family and stated that his heart goes out to the bereaved family. “We are with the family in this hour of grief and will assist the family in every aspect,'' he added.
Party president Sheikh Muzaffar said that the killing of innocent people is senseless and against humanity.  
"Today a nation builder was killed. It is senseless. If people won't come forward and protest against such heinous killing then we are a dead society. The perpetrators must be dealt with a heavy hand," he added. (KNS)

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