Hilal Rather anguished over massive fire incident in Chadoora

Srinagar October 23 (KNS): J&K Peoples Conference senior leader Hilal Ahmed Rather on Sunday expressed anguish over the incident of massive conflagration that broke out at main market Chadoora affecting numerous shops, restaurants and other commercial establishments.
?While expressing sorrow over the massive inferno, Hilal Rather said the heart wrenching fire incident has caused massive damage and left many shop owners distressed. He expressed unison with the affected and prayed for their quick revival. 
He also impressed upon the LG administration and district administration Budgam to ensure speedy revival and rehabilitation of the victims.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe called for quick assessment of the losses so that adequate compensation is worked out and distributed among the victims immediately. 
Hilal Rather also sought up-gradation and augmentation of fire service facilities in Chadoora and adjoining areas.
“It is unfortunate that till date Chadoora has only one fire & emergency service brigade. While the previous governments and representatives of the area promised to augment the fire and emergency services however regrettably those governments could not deliver on making essential services accessible. I urge the LG administration to asses the distribution of emergency services in Chadoora and augment the existing facilities and infrastructure”, he added.(KNS)

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