Grand Seerat Conference held at Islamia Higher Secondary School

Mirwaiz urges youth to embrace wisdom, stresses moral guidance for societal change

Mirwaiz urges youth to embrace wisdom, stresses moral guidance for societal change

Srinagar, Oct 14 (KNS):   Anjuman Nusrat-ul-Islam on Saturday organised a grand Seerat Conference at the historic Auditorium Hall of Islamia Higher Secondary School, Rajouri Kadal, Srinagar, which was presided over by its president Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir Dr Moulvi Muhammad Umar Farooq.

The Seerat Conference titled ‘Wa Maa Arsalnaaka Illa Rehmatal Lil Aalameen (And We have sent you (O Muhammad SAW) not but as a mercy for the Aalameen –, was participated by the students of many renowned private educational institutions of the valley They presented their articles and speeches on the above-mentioned topic.

In his presidential address, Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir offered his devotion and love to the Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and said the entire life of the Prophet of Islam (SAW) has been characterised by a unique character and action.

Mirwaiz said that Muhammad (SAW) even before Prophethood had greatly impacted the Arab society with his high morals and character and this proved to be helpful in changing that society in the later years.

Whether it was the incident of Harb-ul-Fijaar or that of installing Hajar al-Aswad in its place, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) resolved these issues with his understanding and wisdom in such a way that the rivalry between the Arab tribes that had been going on for years was reduced to a great extent, the Anjuman president said.

He said that to change a society, the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW) are a torch for us and it is his life that if the society is to be changed, then a person should start with himself. And this is what the Qur'an also says that Muslims have been declared as the “Best Ummah’ so that they prevent the spread of evil in the society and promote good deeds, he said.

Addressing the young generation, Mirwaiz said that as a community, if we want to bring change at every level, then it is important to take care of some basic and important things.

First of all, it is necessary for the youth to “REALISE THE SITUATION AND USE WISDOM” to understand their current milli condition and find ways to change it.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Secondly, through ‘HOW TO DESIRE AND CHANGE’, we should understand the change we want to bring in the society.

And the third thing, Mirwaiz said, is ‘STRONG WILL AND DETERMINATION’ which is the most important aspect of this path because, without a strong determination and intention, we cannot change our society.

Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir said that today's young generation pays the most attention to education, although it is a good thing in itself, but along with education, tarbiyah (moral guidance and upbringing) is also very important. Given the present situation, the main reason for the spread of waywardness, drugs, and undue customs in our society today is that we are not able to train our generation to change our society, he said.

Mirwaiz emphasised that it is the responsibility of scholars, parents and teachers to use their best efforts to improve the education of the nation's youth and to protect them from the harmful effects of drugs and social innovations.

Many intellectual scholars of the valley and leading personalities from different walks of life were also present on this occasion.

In the Seerat Conference, Rataba Rasheed, a student of Islamia Higher Secondary School, Rajouri Kadal secured the first position, while Khalid Saifullah of RP School Malla Bagh and Mohammad Arhan of Islamia Higher Secondary School, Bota Kadal got the second position. The third position went to Qoreen Showkat of Motherland School.

On this occasion, the students who obtained distinguished positions in the board examinations in the 10th and 12th classes in 2021, 2022 and 2023, and also Tooba Shabir and Arbish Manzoor of Islamia Higher Secondary School Rajouri Kadal who qualified NEET, were awarded with certificates and prizes.

The duties of the judge were performed by Moulana Shaukat Hussain Keing, Moulana Ghulam Rasool Samoon and Alhaj Altaf Ahmad Bhat. The principal of Islamia Higher Secondary School thanked the attendees and the award-winning students for their good performance.(KNS)

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