Govt must prioritise tribal community’s prosperity: Kadfeen

 Srinagar, May 24 [KNS]: Congress leader and party’s incharge Tribal Affairs,  Kadfeen Choudhary on Wednesday underscored the need for the overall welfare of Jammu and Kashmir’s tribal community, stating that the neglect of tribal communities in Jammu and Kashmir should be seen as a human rights issue, and it is the responsibility of the government to address it promptly and comprehensively.

In a statement,  Kadfeen said that the tribal communities in Jammu and Kashmir have long been neglected, and it is high time that the government takes proactive steps to address their concerns and fulfill their basic needs. These communities, living in remote areas and often facing isolation, require immediate attention to ensure their well-being and development.
“First and foremost, quality education should be made accessible to children from tribal communities. Providing them with proper educational facilities, trained teachers, and resources will empower them to build a better future for themselves and break the cycle of poverty and marginalization. Additionally, better healthcare facilities must be established in tribal areas, ensuring access to essential medical services and facilities. Timely and affordable healthcare is crucial for their overall well-being and to combat the prevalent health challenges they face,” Kadfeen said. 
He added that improving housing facilities is another crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelMany tribal communities live in substandard and inadequate housing conditions. By providing them with better housing options, we can enhance their living standards, promote hygiene, and ensure their safety and security. “Moreover, the government should focus on ensuring the security of livestock, which holds significant economic and cultural value for these communities. Measures should be taken to protect their livestock from theft, disease outbreaks, and natural calamities, as these animals play a vital role in their livelihoods and sustenance,” Kadfeen said.
According to the Congress leader, the neglect of tribal communities in Jammu and Kashmir should be seen as a human rights issue, and it is the responsibility of the government to address it promptly and comprehensively. By addressing their concerns and fulfilling their basic needs, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society where no community is left behind.
Let us stand together to advocate for the rights and well-being of the tribal communities and ensure that they receive the attention, support, and resources they rightfully deserve. It is only by recognizing their unique challenges and providing them with equal opportunities that we can build a prosperous and harmonious Jammu and Kashmir for all. [KNS].

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