Govt disallows Eid prayers at Jama Masjid at 9 am, denies permission for same at Eidgah Sgr: Anjuman Auqaf

Srinagar, July 09 (KNS): Anjuman Auqaf Jama Masjid on Saturday said the Jammu and Kashmir Waqf Board has disallowed Eid prayers at Eidgah Srinagar, citing weather forecast for heavy downpour. 

In a statement, issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), Anjuman said that in reply to the letter sent to Wakf board by the Anjuman for arrangements for Eid ul Azha prayers at Eidgah Srinagar, the board has conveyed its inability to facilitate prayers citing rainy weather forecast.

The statement reads that the board has informed that Muslims should offer prayers at their local masjids instead.

It reads that Anjuman members were called by  the authorities and told that as Waqf has declined prayer facilitation at Eidgah.

“The authorities also said that if Aquaf wants to hold the prayers at Jamia Masjid Srinagar instead, it can be only allowed if held before 6.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel30 am and not after that,” it reads. 

It further reads that as per precedent, Auqaf had last week announced that Eid prayers will be held at Eidgah at 9 am and in case of inclement weather at Jama Masjid Srinagar at same time.

“If Eid prayers can be held at other masjids and shrines under the Waqf board at 10 and 11 am, why strange conditions are only being applied  for central Jama Masjid and frivolous excuses being made for not making arrangements at Eidgah,” it added. 

Anjuman said that this attitude of the authorities towards Muslims is highly regrettable when Eid prayers are being thwarted at both Eidgah and Jama Masjid.

“This causes great hurt and anguish to the muslims of J&K, as does the prolonged detention of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq since August 2019,” it reads. (KNS)

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