Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations Conclude at Islamia College

 Srinagar October 01 (KNS):  The two week long Gandhi Jayanti celebrations which started at the Islamia College on 10th  September of the last month concluded today with  a grand  valedictory function. The valedictory function was attended by huge gathering of students. At the function , the principal of the college , Prof. Sheikh Ajaz Bashir commended the students for their active and enthusiastic participation in the fortnight long celebrations. He reminded the students about the various aspects of life and teaching of Gandhiji and impressed upon them to  follow the path of  peace, truth and non-violence,  what he described as the golden values taught  by the Father of Nation. The valedictory function  was also addressed by some students who talked about the Gandhian philosophy and their relevance in today’s world to resolve various conflicts that bedevil us today. 

The concluding day of the celebrations was  marked by  the college library  organising a book exhibition that  displayed   books, paintings, artefacts etc of Gandhiji.,  the exhibition  was visited  by the  faculty and students of the college. The day also saw the  students of the college  following the Gandhian  dictum of earning while learning and putting up their  sale  stalls of  self-made variety of items  that showcased art and craft, calligraphy, Hand knitted items, Hyderebadi Birani, Momos and fish, Golgappa and belpuri etc at the college lawn. Both college faculty and students of college could be seen making purchases from these student  stalls.
The fortnight long celebrations were carried out by the three NSS units of the college.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe activities were tailored around the themes of peace, truth, non-violence, discipline, education, cleanliness etc. to provide an opportunity to the students   to understand and   imbibe these values taught by Gandhiji.
The first day of the celebrations  had started with   the college students watching  a movie on life and works of Gandhiji. The  following days witnessed the  students  of the college take part in  activities like :   Rally with  Placards  on themes of peace, truth and nonviolence in and around the College Premises; Creating reels/Ticktoks by college students  on the  teachings  of   Gandhiji and publishing them on social media; Deliberations  by college students on the Theme” Truth and Non-violence” ; Essay writing competition on Gandhiji’s  teachings; Visit of college students  to SPS library
Srinagar and visiting a niche corner on Gandhiji there,  student singing competition; Book reading by students  from the book My experiments with Truth; Cleanliness drive by the students  at  the Nigeen and the  Naseem Bagh park related to swacchta Abiyan; Online quiz  by students  on Gandhian philosophy of life, Seminar by the students  on Non-violence as a weapon in Freedom Struggle of India; Group discussion  by students on Gandhiji’s contribution to Indian education;  Skit by students  on the theme Society and Truth depicting evil effects of  drug abuse.(KNS) 

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