G.A.Mir sought revocation of order regarding re-verification of old aged,widows,disabled persons Says discrepancies in monthly assistance should be probed

 Srinagar November 29 (KNS):  Former J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) President Ghulam Ahmad Mir on Tuesday sought revocation of Order issued regarding reverification of monthly assistance of old aged widows, disabled persons.

Mir urged that the discrepancies or any kind of financial indiscipline found in the scheme can be probed without troubling the genuine beneficiaries.

Former JKPCC President Ghulam Ahmad Mir has expressed serious concern over the LG administration’s recent order regarding re verification with regard to monthly assistance of old aged, widows and disabled persons, who have been asked to resubmit their documents by making the rules more complex while putting burden and costing upon them more than they get as assistance from the Govt for their living.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Mir said registered beneficiaries have already fulfilled the requisite formalities with regard to their monthly assistance, there was no need to reverify them, the discrepancies ‘if any’ relating to it can be probed, but the genuine beneficiaries should not suffer on this count.
I would urge upon LG administration to address the hardships confronting beneficiaries due to the fresh reverification process by revoking the order forthwith, Mir added and said the discrepancies/financial indiscipline should also be probed without putting burden on poor and genuine beneficiaries, he said.(KNS) 

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