G.A. Mir extends greetings on the eve of Eid Ul Fitr

Verinag April 20 (KNS): Former Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee PRESIDENT Ghulam Ahmad Mir on Thursday extended warm greetings to people on the eve of Eid Ul Fitr.

In his message, Ghulam Ahmad Mir said Eid Ul Fitr is a most significant event in the Islamic Calendar which is observed after completion of  Holy month of fasting,those who observe complete fast to please Almighty Allah are being rewarded with the special gift bestowed upon them in the shape of Eid Ul Fitr.
Festivals shall continue to remain important part of our composite culture while playing a significant role in our lives “more importantly” fixing responsibilities upon us  to reach out to orphans and destitutes with all possible financial and other help they deserve from us, Mir said and added on such occasions (Festivals) helping  needy and poor people should be the paramount, which happens to be a true message of Eid UL Fitr and other important occasions.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 
I send my hearty greeting to people on the auspicious occasion and hope that the Eid Ul Fitr will usher in era of happiness and prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir, bringing smile on the face of people, at the same, I make my fervent appeal to people to celebrate the occasion with austerity and take care of those,who deserve your help, Ghulam Ahmad Mir said.

May the Almighty Allah accept the fasting and prayers of all the people, Mir prayed.(KNS) 

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