Congress holds booth level meeting, seeks restoration of democratic rights in J&K

Resolution of issues confronting people in absence of elected Govt

Resolution of issues confronting people in absence of elected Govt

Anantnag Dec 22 (KNS) J&K Pradesh Congress Committee Thursday held booth level meeting at Bedermuna in Halqa Changoo area of Dooru Constituency of South Kashmir reiterating to defeat the designs of BJP while terming it (BJP) responsible for the dismay and restlessness found amongst people in J&K.


Former J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) President GHULAM AHMAD MIR while addressing Party delegates termed these meetings as an initiative to assess the ground situation and the issues confronting people in absence of the elected Govt. These meetings were bound to invigorate the Cadres and common people ensuring that they gear up for the upcoming political challenges.

Adding that Congress also want to send a strong message to  BJP and its offshoots that it (Congress) Party could not be weakened by their falsehood and misleading politics inorder to hide  their failures on all fronts, Mir said  it is the Congress party alone which will make them accountable to people for making false promises and failing them on all fronts.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Mir said J&K people were facing tremendous hardships due to the policies adopted by the  BJP Govt towards J&K. Strenuous efforts were also being made to portray J&K having gained impetus in respect of development and prosperity, but the fact remains they (people) have been pushed to wall on  employment, economic and development fronts they were being coerced not to agitate for resolutions of their issues thereby strangulating the democratic rights in J&K.

Congress party assures people that it will make endeavors to ensure redressal of issues and also make serious efforts to bring back Statehood with constitutional grantees besides ensuring that people have their own Govt which would be accountable and answerable to them, Mir said.(KNS)

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