Amid snowfall pregnant lady taken to hospital on cot in Baramulla village

Locals allege authorities failed to clear snow on road

Locals allege authorities failed to clear snow on road

Manzoor Sheeri 

Baramulla, Jan 05 (KNS): Due to accumulation of snow on road, a pregnant lady from Hilan Perniya area of Boniyar in Baramulla district was taken to the hospital on a cot on Wednesday, reports said here. 

Reports reaching Kashmir News Service (KNS) said that the woman developed labor pain at her home, however, due to accumulation of snow on the road vehicle could not reach to her house, following which she was taken to the hospital on a cot amid heavy snowfall.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 

Meanwhile, the residents alleged that the authorities failed to clear snow on the road, which is why no vehicle could ply on the road and the patient had to be taken to hospital on a cot.

When contacted, BMO Boniyar, Dr Parvaiz Masoodi said that they sent an ambulance to bring the pregnant lady and the patient was brought to PHC Boniyar safely, where she was undergoing treatment. (KNS)

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