Ahsan Pardesi urges party cadres to prep up for LS polls at block Khonmoh meet in Lal Chowk Constituency

'Our legacy & unity enough to give befitting reply to adversaries'

'Our legacy & unity enough to give befitting reply to adversaries'

Srinagar, Apr 14 (KNS):  Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Vice President Kashmir and in-charge Lal Chowk constituency Ahsan Pardesi today convened a pivotal gathering in the Khonmoh block of Lal Chowk constituency today, marking a significant milestone in the party's election preparations.

The session served as a platform to meticulously strategize the party's campaign approach for the forthcoming parliamentary elections, drawing on the collective wisdom and experience of party stalwarts and grassroots workers.

Speaking at the meeting, Pardesi exuded confidence in  National Conference's electoral prospects, citing the enduring bond between the party and the people of Jammu and Kashmir. 

"Our legacy of service & sacrifice for the people of J&K has fostered a deep-rooted trust and connection. It is important that we honor this legacy by reaffirming our commitment to the welfare and progress of every citizen," he emphasized.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

In his impassioned address, Pardesi highlighted the immense role of grassroots activism in amplifying the party's message and mobilizing support at every level of our society.

"Our success is based on our ability to engage with the electorate, listen to their concerns, and articulate our vision for a prosperous and inclusive Jammu and Kashmir," he asserted.

The meeting witnessed spirited discussions and brainstorming sessions, with attendees exchanging insights, ideas and strategies aimed at maximizing the party's outreach and impact in the Lal Chowk constituency.

Among the distinguished personalities present were Block President Abdul Majeed Bhat, Secretary Nayeem Ahmed, Halqa President Reyaz Ahmed, along with Ali Mohammad Mir and Vice Presidents Youth National Conference Central Zone Fazil Bhat.(KNS)

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