3-Tier Security Cover In Place For Secure, Safe G20 Summit: ADGP Kashmir

 Srinager, May 18(KNS): Additional director general of police (ADGP) Kashmir Vijay Kumar Thursday expressed confidence in the region's security arrangements for the upcoming G20 Summit, highlighting a three-tier security strategy.


Kumar stated, "We have made all the security arrangements. There will be three-tier security. Anti-drone equipment being set up for air. We are taking the help of NSG and the Army for the same. For the water body - Dal Lake - we will depute MARCOS, Police team will also be there. We will conduct the meeting smoothly and successfully."

Emphasizing the importance of comprehensive security, Kumar revealed that a three-tier approach had been implemented. To safeguard against aerial threats, advanced anti-drone equipment is being installed, with the assistance of the NSG and the Army.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelAdditionally, special units, such as the elite MARCOS and dedicated police teams, will be deployed to ensure the security of Dal Lake.

With these robust security measures in place, Kumar expressed confidence in the successful and seamless conduct of the G20 Summit. The collaborative efforts of the NSG, the Army, and specialized units will work synergistically to create a secure environment for the summit's participants.

As Jammu and Kashmir prepares to host this global event, the commitment to stringent security measures underscores the region's determination to showcase its capabilities and provide a safe and welcoming setting for the G20 Summit.(KNS).

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