In a first Harmony India Awards ceremony to be held in Srinagar

 Srinager, June 17(KNS): Harmony Cultural Foundation, New Delhi announces it's 9th Edition of Harmony India Awards 2023 for the first time in Kashmir.

The award ceremony scheduled to be held on tomorrow at Tagore hall, will be presided over by the Jammu and Kashmir, LG Manoj Sinha, along with distinguished gathering including  Padamshree Awardee and Founder SBSSD, Jitender Singh Shunty, Waqf Board Chairperson Darakshan Andrabi, Mayor of Srinagar Junaid A Mattoo and others.

A total of 20 awardees chosen by the jury from various fields of fine art, performing art, culture, cine & TV, sports, literature, administrative and social services, Journalism, entrepreneur and others to those who have outshined in their respective fields, have brought glory to the success of Jammu & Kashmir and have immensely contributed to the growth and development of our nation. The awards will be presented to, and given under various categories, as following. Lifetime achievement to Pran Kishore Kaul; Shreshth Samaan to Sh
Farooq Nazki, Zameer Ashai, Ahmed Ali Fayyaz, Masood Husain, Bhushan Parimoo; Women achievers award to Nirupama Kotru; Community Icon Award to Ravinder Pandita and Rohit Bhat; Pt. Bhajan Sopori Smriti Samman to Abdul Rashid Hafiz; Harmony India Special Award to Dr. Pawan Suri and Ms. Rehmat Rattan. State Icon Award will be presented to Gulzar Ganaie, Ayash Arif, Munir Ahmed Mir, Dr. Satish Vimal, Sh. Amin Bhat, Zeenat Zeeshan Fazil, and the Yuva Puruskar to Sadia Tariq and Wajahat Rather.

The program will also feature a musical performance by an emerging young group, Harmonies Choir of J&K, the young generation of Kashmiri singers, who have previously performed in 2021 at the inaugural ceremony of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in Ahmedabad, in front of PM Modi and also recently in the Vitasta series festivals.

A short documentary on Padmashri Pandit Bhajan Sopori will also be screened as a tribute to the legend.(KNS).

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