ID Employees appreciate Director SKIMS, HOD Oncology

SRINAGAR,  FEBRUARY 04:(KNS)   The Employees of Information Department  Kashmir division have appreciated Director SKIMS  Dr, Parvez Ahmad and HOD, Oncology Dr Aijaz Ahmad Malik for extending timely help to one of their colleague whose spouse is suffering by a deadly disease.       

          The patient is under treatment of the hospital and has been advised to go for certain required tests  before starting treatment which have been conducted by the Institute itself.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 

The employees have thanked both  Dr Parvez and Dr Aijaz for showing the highest degree of humanity as the employee is poor and among lower rung official of the department. 

Meanwhile, the employees hoped for further similar help in the treatment of the patient. The employees appeal to the UT administration to encourage such officers, whose professional priority is to serve humanity.(KNS) 

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